Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hate Mail

A few days ago, I received a hate mail from a stranger. I do know about the guy but we do not know each other personally. Apparently, he mistook me for somebody else and sent the e-mail to my address. Below are a few excerpts from the mail.

"You sir are a blatant idiot and your own postings provers this beyond a shadow of a doubt" (sic)

"your a idiot but for the record please let me assume your just ignorant to the definition of the word." (sic)

"Now I had long forgotten about your and your idiot bayot mannerism which accomplish nothing but you sir are a coward and talk out your ass, thats fact jack and in future if you feel any desire to reference to me in any way man up ole chap and do it in the open." (sic)

"Did you sir solve any of those problems, I think not as you are a cowardly bastard and afraid to speak the truth, for that matter in your typical feminine ways" (sic)

By the way, this guy is an American and I know the person for whom this e-mail was intended.


jaspercaesar said...


This is surely ONE for the books!

Gawd, reminds me of that margie-and-dennis letter found in a malate bar.

This can't be real, I almost told myself.

mikay said...

He really writes like that. Pakaulaw lang.

Yen, you might know about this guy. I will send you na lang a private message kay basin naa na sab mag-huramentado dinhi nga anonymous. Bwahahaha!